Monthly Archives: August 2010

Game Preview: Mets @ Braves

The Mets dropped the opener of the season last night in a game that was the exact opposite of Sunday where the Mets last night did not get good starting pitching and the bats were not able to move runners … Continue reading

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Daily Baseball Video: Mr. Met Commercial (2005) Part 2

Continuing our week long journey into the fun of Mr. Met, today's commercial has two variants (with the other variant being posted on Thursday). In this advertisement we see Mr. Met utilizing all of Shea Stadium as his personal driving … Continue reading

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Bizarre Uniform Tuesday: West Michigan Whitecaps and Led Zeppelin

Classic Rock and Baseball seemed to be blended often and generally in the form of Minor League Baseball jerseys. We already saw an example earlier this year of the Blue Claws becoming the BruceClaws (Bruce Springsteen). This time around, the … Continue reading

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September 2010 National League Promotion Preview

Just like the American League yesterday, today we take a look at the National League promotions for the month of September. The American League had some good promotions, but it wasn't the best month ever. Can the National League make … Continue reading

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Game Preview: Mets @ Braves

The Mets, fresh off of a series win against the Astros, head back on the road, this time to Atlanta. On their last road trip, the Mets finally won their first National League Road Series of 2010 (although it was … Continue reading

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Daily Baseball Video: Mr. Met Commercial (2005) Part 1

This week we will be looking at a 6 part commercial series from 2005 (or as far as I can tell from 2005 or directly around that) where the Mets made a series of short commercials about what Mr. Met … Continue reading

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Memorabilia Monday: Kaz Matsui T-Shirt

There is a lot risk in buying a player's T-shirt or Jersey and I should because I have made a lot of these purchases over the years. Now when I say there is a lot of risk, I mean as … Continue reading

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September 2010 American League Promotion Preview

All throughout the season, I have started this monthly series of posts with Mets promotions first. Well, the four Mets promo's do not have photos yet, so I'm gonna hold up writing that article to see if I can wait … Continue reading

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Elimination Update: The First Team Has Fallen

The Orioles did the best they could this weekend by sweeping the Angels, but it wasn't enough as thanks to the big two on top of the division, the Orioles were eliminated from both the Division and the Wild Card … Continue reading

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Game Recap: The Definition of a 500 Team

The most accurate assessment of the Mets right now might just be a 500 team. They started the season going on huge streaks in both losing and winning directions and since the last losing streak, the Mets have steadied at … Continue reading

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